Search results for '#SewWithUs'

Where do I even start to learn sewing?

Clothing alterations are my favorite type of sewing, and maybe it's because I believe in redemption for anything. So many people are against alterations, but even when you sew from scratch, you still need to alter the garment to make it your shape. If you plan to make that garment again, then you will have to transfer those alterations to the pattern. I highly recommend getting clothing from the thrift store and practice hemming pants or practice taking in side seams... to see what works and ...

Why couldn't you?

Why couldn't you turn your sewing hobby into a new side hustle? Or even a new career? My teen years and my 20's had me convinced that I was fat. Full of insecurity and self loathing, I struggled hard to feel like I looked good in the clothing that was "my size." (Which, NOW I know it was because the clothes were my size, but definitely NOT my shape. And don't even get me started about...

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